Short Stadium races on simple up and down race courses at a number of venues.
Races wil be for Folkboat, RTC44 and SC 75.
Sailaway Cup 75
Start times
Racing for the European, Middel East and Africa time zones will take place Thursdays starting from 17:00 – 21:00 UTC.
For the Americas timezones, racong wil take place Fridays from 02:30 UTC – 05:30 UTC
For the Asia Pacific time zones, racing wil take place Thursdays from 11:00 UTC -14:00 UTC
You need a valid Sailaway III license.
Members of the OEYC with the role Selected Sailor can use the yacht club’s boats to participate in races for free.
OEYC Membership is free. You can join the Yacht Club with one click, you can leave the Yacht Club with one click. A Yacht Club officer needs to elevate your role to Selected Sailor before you can take a boat.
Of you can bring your own boat.
Venues are Sydney, Panama city, Scheveningen, San Diego, Valparaiso, Vancouver, Dubrovnik, Abu Dhabi, Philipsburg, Barcelona, more will be added.
Race Courses
Luvward – Leeward
Straight up and down
The race course is ca. 1 NM long should not take more than 7 minutes in a SC 75 on a windy day, to up to 45 minutes in a Folkboat on a quiet day.
1. start against the wind to luvward. Cross the startline between committee boat and the pin.
2. pass through the gate, turn to round either mark head back to the start line
3. pass between the comittee boat and the pin end, turn to round either the committee boat or round the pin.
4. cross the finishline between the marks
Join the OEYC Discord server
How to create races
Racing Rules of Sailing
Current race calender